The JPMChase ACCESS programme aims to provide Spouses & Partners with advice, choices, connections, education, skills and self-belief.
It will look at the physical and psychological barriers faced by your community. The programme will provide valuable insights , resources and strategies helping you to overcome these unique challenges and achieve career success in whatever you choose. The programme is a mix of virtual and in person events across a 6-month period. The in person sessions will be run across different locations to try and provide flexibility for you. The final 3 day event in June will only be in London.

ACCESS programme For military spouses and partners. To be eligible for the programme participants' must be a spouse or partner to either a serving member of the military or to one who has been in full time regular service for 3+ years and must be no more than 2 years post service by programme start date.

Proposed Timetable

21st January
Introduction and tackling imposter syndrome

25th February
London- Bank Street
What is your personal brand ?

04th March
What is your personal brand ?

11th March
What is your personal brand ?

01st April
Creating a mindset for success

29th April
London- Bank Street
Communication Style

06th May
Communication Style

03rd June
Employment tools and resources

24th-26th June
London- Bank Street
Professional development experience

Question Title

* 1. Name

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* 2. Email address

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* 3. contact number

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* 4. Which military service are you affiliated to ?

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* 5. What is your current employment status?

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* 6. What qualifications do you hold ?

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* 7. Why are you applying for the JPMChase ACCESS programme ?

Question Title

* 8. Is your partner currently serving ?

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* 9. If you partner is no longer serving, when did they stop ?

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* 10. The in person sessions will be held at 3 different locations across the country. Please let us know which location would be most convenient for you? (Please note you only need to attend one of the locations as the sessions are the same content.)

Question Title

* 12. The programme finishes in June with a 3 day professional development opportunity at our Bank Street office in London. This is the chance to come onsite for 3 full days of activity and to understand a little more about corporate life and culture. Will you be able to attend the 3 days from the 24th June-26th June?

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* 13. What is your area of interest ? (please note the programme is tailored for all interests)

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* 14. Do you give your permission for us to share the details you have given in this application should it be required?